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Macquarie University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Arvind Kumar

I carry out the requested inspections on site, take some photos to make the report, and if the work complies with the building consent, it will pass the inspection.
  • Graduate stories
“Hard choices, easy life… easy choices, hard life”. With that said, the thing I love most about my job is that I get to learn and grow as part of the process, and there is no shortage of challenges to face and hurdles to overcome.

Ash Callaghan

  • Graduate stories
The best moments are when or if clients/farmers come in and praise you for your help and recommendation after they have had a great result.

Ash Sanders

  • Graduate stories
Being a part of these types of agreements is a highly rewarding process, especially when a matter concludes after months of negotiation and hard work.

Ashlee Broadbent

  • Graduate stories
I really enjoy the culture of McConnell Dowell and appreciate the supportive and friendly environment.

Ashlee Othen

  • Graduate stories
Ashleigh Cockburn studied a Bachelor of Social Science at the University of Waikato and is now a Policy & Programs Officer at ACT Government.

Ashleigh Cockburn

  • Day in the life

Ashleigh Hoggard

I have learned a lot so far in my first couple of months in the team, having already been exposed to the preparation of company due diligence reports, business valuations and market research relating to IPOs and market merger and acquisition behaviour.
  • Graduate stories
Another highlight is collaborating with our partners who operate in different markets. This provides a new perspective and invaluable insights into the broader global landscape, extending far beyond the borders of Australia.

Ashley Marfell