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Macquarie University Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
Communicate with different people, explore new experiences, and be compassionate towards yourself and others.

Aleisha Sleight

  • Graduate stories
In general, I love the continuous learning curve as there is always something that can be done better when it comes to Geotechnical Engineering.

Aleksandar Radmanovic

  • Graduate stories
I love that my job still requires an application of electrical engineering theory – in some roles I have definitely had to dust off the old university textbooks and brush up on some concepts. The application of this theory and realising it out in the field is very rewarding.

Alessio Bresciani

  • Day in the life

Alessio Bresciani

Alessio Bresciani studied a Master of Electrical & Electronic Engineering and is now a Graduate Electrical Engineer at Western Power.
  • Graduate stories
The work that I do requires me to be continually learning and keeping myself updated on new methods in AI and for me that is a massive bonus.


  • Day in the life


In all my interactions, it’s important that I keep the customer front of mind and set realistic expectations for response times.
  • Day in the life

Alex Boyd

Some substances we use in our experiments are potentially harmful to human health and the environment, and so we need to use them in a safe and controlled manner.
  • Day in the life

Alex Brown

The opportunity to do pro bono work and help vulnerable members of the community is a really rewarding part of my role at Ashurst, so I always make sure to put my hand up to help out when I have the capacity.