Updating Results

Adecco Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Adecco Australia Graduate Programs & Internships

  • Recruitment & HR

What it does: In Australia, its key services are temporary staffing, permanent placements, workforce solutions, total talent solutions, talent development, technology consulting, career transition, up-skilling and re-skilling.

Mission: To make the future work for everyone

Size and presence: Each year they place over 1,000 people into full-time permanent roles

Best known for One of the world's largest and most respected staffing firms

The good bits: Always learning new skills on the job

The not-so-good bits: At times you have to be willing to constantly check in with a recruiter

The Story of Adecco Australia

Adecco’s purpose is to enable sustainable employability for individuals and to empower organisations to optimise their talent needs and organisational models to achieve their goals. Their services help people fulfil their potential, build employability, and connect people with opportunities.

In Australia alone, every year they help thousands of people with new employment opportunities. And at any given time, they have more than 5,200 temporary employees working for them. Temporary roles are in high demand and they have a massive list of clients around Australia who look for top talents for the roles.

Culture & vibe

Adecco is a great place to learn the general principles of Human Resources and Recruiting. Most of the work with Adecco are temporary jobs that allow you to learn new skills in different areas or/and varied job locations. Depending on the job you do, it can be repetitive or has slightly different things to do every day.

Working at Adecco provides the chance to get involved with many skilled labourers and learn from a wide variety of different trades. You are most likely given a new job after the previous casual job is no longer needed. The job can be challenging or requires long hours, but it gives the opportunity of meeting people from different backgrounds and learning more through working in a group.

Recruitment process

Most of the roles they have are temporary jobs that can be a great solution for anyone wanting to get back into the workforce, taking some time off to start a family, or looking to work part-time to diversify their work experience.

To apply for a job, you can fill out one of their short applications and send your CV.  A recruiter in your local job market will start looking for jobs that fit your experience and skills. Or, you can search for a specific job on their website and apply for it directly. Once you have sent your application, they will review it. They might also give you a brief skills assessment and check your references.

If they think you are a good fit for their open jobs, one of their recruiters will contact you to set up a time for an interview and get to know you better. They will ask about your experience, your skills, and your career goals. If you succeed with this interview, you can start your new job.

Career prospects

With the nature of contract roles, there is not a lot of training provided, and getting a permanent role can be a bit difficult.


Whether you want to work from home or have access to employee wellness programmes, Adecco can help you find great benefits. If you get a job through them, you might get access to their clients' benefits packages that can include:

  • Flexible working conditions
  • Paid holidays
  • Annual service bonus potential
  • Free career counselling and skills training

Social Contributions

Adecco Australia gives back to the community by offering paid volunteering days for all employees. They contribute to supporting disadvantaged society members through annual appeals such as food donations to the Food Bank and toy drives. They also take part in the Red Cross Red 25 blood donation program.

Adecco also supports national awareness events and community fundraising throughout the year for National Reconciliation Week, R U Ok Day, International Women’s Day, IDAHOBIT, and more.

In addition, their CSR program (Win4Youth) provides job training opportunities and education for disadvantaged youth through yearly donations to Plan International.


The following sources were used in researching this page

  • modernslaveryregister.gov.au
  • adecco.com.au
  • glassdoor.com
  • simplyhired.com.au

Jobs & Opportunities

Locations With Jobs & Opportunities
  • Australia wide
Hiring candidates with qualifications in
Business & Management
Creative Arts
Engineering & Mathematics
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
IT & Computer Science
Law, Legal Studies & Justice
Medical & Health Sciences
Property & Built Environment
Teaching & Education