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Morgan McKinley

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Claudia Giugovaz

Associate Recruitment Consultant at Morgan McKinley

I am very grateful for these facilities as it allows me to fit time in my day for the gym, which helps me to start the day in the right frame of mind.

4.45 AM

First alarm. Snooze.

5.00 AM

Second and final alarm, and yet it’s time to wake up and get ready for another early morning gym session at F45.

6.15 AM

Finished at the gym. Now ready to jump onto the bus by 6.30 to head to our Morgan McKinley office in the city of Sydney.


Claudia Giugovaz

7.30 AM

Arrived at the office and now it’s time for a quick shower down in the bottom level of our building. I am very grateful for these facilities as it allows me to fit time in my day for the gym, which helps me to start the day in the right frame of mind.

8.30 AM

I have begun work for the day by checking my emails for responses from candidates, and clients. After responding to these emails, I take an hour and a half of the morning to focus on sourcing some new developer roles within the market by viewing multiple adverts on Seek and Indeed. By writing up a candidate profile yesterday for a Full Stack Developer, I am now able to find companies advertising for such roles and put forward a great candidate profile to a potential client.


Morgan McKinley graduate working

10.00 AM

I began to work on an active IT Service Desk Analyst role that my director Ripesh has assigned to me. I wrote an advert yesterday for the role and have had a number of responses overnight from people applying for the role, which provides me through a CV centre to view their submitted resumes and find a contact number. I commence to chat with the relevant candidates around the Service Desk role, find out how their communication skills are and whether they will be the right fit for the role. The candidates that are particularly good I will ask to come into our office for an internal interview with myself and my director present. This way I am able to understand more about their working profile, as well as gain a deeper understanding of what they are looking for in their next role.

11.50 AM

Our director calls a team meeting for the IT and Analytics team. This provides us with the opportunity to update our team members of the progress of our current jobs as well as give each other feedback on challenging situations or general advice.


Morgan McKinley staff in a meeting

12.00 PM

Lunchtime! I often bring my lunch to work, however today I thought I would treat myself to a sandwich at Lime, yum.

1.00 PM

I have a candidate catch up at 1.30, therefore I now have some time to work on what my personal objectives are with my director and what I want to achieve in the next three months. We discussed my need to further research and understand each aspect of the IT development space, which I agree is essential in my role in order to succeed within this field. Developing my telephone skills is another area of focus we both agree I need to work on and of course to make at least one placement!

1.30 PM

I requested a candidate who applied for the service desk role to come into our office to meet me for an Internal Candidate interview. I reiterate a lot of the same questions asked on the phone to see if anything within their work situation or expectations have changed as well as understand a bit more about how they communicate as an individual. By completing this activity I am able to determine whether they will be the right fit both technically and culturally for the workplace. Through this interview, I am also able to determine if they are fit for multiple roles at once, to increase their chances of being placed.

2.00 PM

After the interview, with the permission of the candidate, I am able to record our interview notes onto our Bullhorn system which allows me to refer to this information when speaking with clients as well as putting forward the candidate's profile to other potential clients that are hiring.

2.30 PM

Time for a break! I step away from my desk for half an hour to have a nice cup of tea and check my social media updates.


Morgan McKinley graduate at the office

3.00 PM

My director Ripesh has a free hour to listen in on my calls with clients that I have sent out candidate profiles to. The reason we do follow up calls is if the client has not yet responded to our emails, this gives us the opportunity to sell our candidate or better create a new client for the company. After each call, my director gives me feedback of how I could improve my relationship building skills and the questions that I could ask in the next phone call to ensure I am receiving the maximum amount of information I can.

4.30 PM

Time to check my CV Centre, and there are 100 new applications! I spent the afternoon speaking with some more candidates that have applied on the other adverts I had posted and I then create hotlists on Bullhorn to ensure that they are organised in the system, and I can find them easily for my next upcoming roles.

5.45 PM

Time for me to write a schedule for tomorrow!

6.00 PM

And that’s a wrap. I am finished for the day. I jump on the bus which conveniently stops outside our workplace and head home.